All participants must register on the booking site to book an activity with Elite Development Coaching. This ensures that we have the correct contact details, parental permissions, and medical information to ensure the safety for participants.
Can both boys and girls attend?
Most of our sessions are mixed, however the activity booking description will state if it is a specific boys or girls only session.
Will I get a booking confirmation email?
Once you have completed the booking, you will receive a booking confirmation within 24 hours. If you do not receive this, please check your junk mail in case it has been blocked.
Please contact us after 24 hours if you do not have confirmation and a member of our team if it has been received.
Will I get a refund if the session is cancelled?
If the school cancel an after-school club, there will be no refund available.
If session is cancelled due to bad weather, we will offer an additional session to attend in its place or offer a credit for a future booking or payment if we aren’t able to do so.
If sessions are cancelled due to government restrictions that are outside of our control we will seek to provide suitable alternative provision (i.e. virtual sessions) to ensure a continuity of delivery.
Can I cancel a session after I have booked it?
If you are unable to attend a session, that is not a problem – we realise that there will be times when players cannot attend. However, as per our Terms & Conditions, we are unable to refund or credit for individual sessions missed.
Can I get a refund/credit if I need to cancel a booking/session?
As per our Terms & Conditions, we do not issue refunds unless we cancel a course. In the event of an injury where three or more sessions are missed or going to be missed, we will issue you with a Credit Note which can be redeemable against any Foundation course. A medical certificate may be required, and you will need to contact us prior to or during the course to inform us. Failure to do so will result in a Credit Note not being issued.
What does my child need to bring?
For after school clubs and football sessions, children will need to bring suitable footwear, suitable sports clothing (weather dependent) and plenty to drink.
In addition, children will need to bring a packed lunch.
It is essential all medical necessities are also packed if required.
What footwear does my child need to wear?
Each session will state what type of surface you child will be playing on. Most of our sessions will require either football moulds (no metal studs) or trainers.
For all holiday camps both indoor and outdoor footwear is required.
Does my child need to wear Elite Development kit?
No, they do not need to have wear an Elite Development Kit for training.
However, we have kit options available to purchase via our club shop if you wish to do so.
What happens if there is bad weather?
Every effort is made for sessions to go ahead unless there are extreme weather conditions. Therefore, please ensure the participant has the appropriate clothing for the session.
How will I know if the sessions are cancelled or postponed?
In the first instance, we will send an email to notify you of the cancellation or the postponement to the session at the earliest possible point.
What if my child is no longer able to attend the session?
If your child is no longer able to attend, please
contact: info@elitedevelopmentcoaching.co.uk to let us know.
Who do I need to contact if I am running late or there is a change of pick up?
Please contact the business line on 07585 229692 and we will be able to notify the coaches at the session.
Parents can stay and watch training sessions, but we ask if you can please remain away from the coaching and training area as much as possible.
If you wish to leave and pick up, we ask you to arrive to collect your child at least five minutes before the session end.
For all holiday camps unfortunately, no parents can stay at any time throughout the day, please arrive for registration and pick up times.
How will I know if the course is full?
If a course is full, it will show it will be taken off the booking page.
If the course is full, you can email your details onto our waiting list. If spaces become available, we will contact you via email.
Bookings are to be made in full, however if you are struggling and wish to make a partial booking, contact us via email and we will be happy to help.
How do I get my child into one of your teams?
You can enter his details at www.elitedevelopmentcoaching.co.uk/edc if we have any spaces in any of our teams we will invite you along for a trial.
We also run a trial each May for all age groups for players to attend.